Monday, April 14, 2008

trip to Washington July 2007

Teresa finished teaching on July 27th and we left for Washington via Utah on my 60th birthday. We stayed at Jolene’s place, went to church with her. We celebrated my birthday that day. The next day we went to Gaylynne's place. Diane went with us. On Tuesday we went swimming at a pool in Portland and the kids had fun. We ate lunch at the nearby park and then went to the Zoo. The next day we went to the Rose Garden and Washington Park where there is a play ground and then rode the zoo train around the zoo. The roses were beautiful. Diane took pictures of some of them so that she could enlarge them and decorate her home with them. Thursday we went to the movies and later the kids enjoyed playing together, especially dress-up. We left to return home on Friday the 3rd. We stopped and saw Roshel and visited with her an hour or so. It was quite enjoyable and Roshel really enjoyed having us stop. We visited with Roy and Charlotte that evening and got a plaque that Roy made so that we could put it in the lodge honoring Dill. We spent the night with Dad and Henry and then drove home to Tucson on Saturday. The following week I did my visiting teaching and then on Saturday (Aug 11) I went to the church to help with an Eagle quilting project. It was there that I heard that Pres. Faust had died the day before. It took me by surprise. I guess I thought if anyone should die, it would be Pres. Hinckley because of his comments made last general conference. In which he bid us good-bye. He said "Now, as we separate for a season, God bless you, my beloved associates. I so pray, as I say good-bye, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." He has never told us good-bye before. He is now 97 years old. He amazes me with what he does. Sunday the stake presidency was there to sign temple recommends. New temple recommends with a bar code are being issued to protect the sacredness of the temple. Evidently unauthorized people were using temple recommends and so to safeguard the temple, every temple recommend holder had to get a new temple recommend. Enjoy watching the Oregon pictures.

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